Friday, September 4, 2020

An Attorney quilt

 Under the heading of It's a Small World, I had to give a deposition at work where the attorney representing my company was also the boss of a long time quilter friend.  And it was also a company that I used to work on their audit 20 years ago when I was a public accountant.  Fast forward 10 years and now the quilting friend is retiring and was asked the by attorney if she would make him a T-shirt quilt.  But since she was in the process of moving out of town she referred him to me.  She dropped the quilts off at my house on her way to her new home. I was able to include all the shirts but it is a big quilt.  

I mailed the quilt and emailed the attorney the total cost along with a picture of the completed quilt.  The next day he calls me and asks if I've already mailed the quilt.  Hmmmm, yes, why?  Well he actually didn't want me to include the shirts with his name as he was going to donate it to the company as a fund raiser, how hard would it be to take those two out?  Well even if I hadn't mailed it the effort to remove those shirts or cover over his name would have been enormous, really can't do it, please don't mail it back to me.  Well he calls me back after he received the quilt and tells me thank you for putting in the shirts with his name, it gave him an excuse to keep it and he loves it so much he wouldn't want to part with it.  Another happy quilt owner!

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