Sunday, June 30, 2019

Losing Track

I've tried over the years to keep a list of the I spy & t-shirt quilts I've made (in excel of course).  I also note the blog post & date, to try and keep the blogs current too.  When I first started quilted I could remember every quilt, who it went to, where I purchased the fabric, etc.  But those days are long gone so a list does help me keep track.  There are several I spy quilts that I just don't remember where they went, but I'm sure some child somewhere is enjoying them (though they are likely grown now).  Periodically I realize I've been so busy sewing I've completely forgotten to update the list or the blog.  Going back through the photos on my camera is the only way  to figure out what I've missed.

These last two should catch me up on T-shirt quilts.
 I've started making some work quilts for people who have been there a LONG time (some over 25 years).  I made 2 virtually identical for 2 ladies who have worked together for 20 years.